Monday, October 20, 2008

Email address for WOVO

To all,

The new email address for WOVO is

Please email any correspondence to this address.



Peter Webley joins WOVO leadership

We are delighted to announce that Dr Peter Webley, Alaska Volcano Observatory (Fairbanks) ( ) is joining the WOVO leadership team. Peter will be taking WOVO responsibility for the Americas from Glen, and of course assisting in the general leadership of WOVO.

We would like to thank Glen for all of his work over the past few years, and wish him well for his further work in the Region without the WOVO burden!

Warner Marzocchi & Andrew Tupper

Friday, August 29, 2008

AVHRR Split Window Signal from Katatochi Eruption in August 2008

This is an AVHRR image of the ash cloud from the August 7, 2008 eruption of Kasatochi volcano, Alaska. There were three explosive events that sent ash up to 15 km above sea level. The developing ash cloud from August 8 - 11 2008, traversed across the North Pacific.

Satellite remote sensing data for the North Pacific can be viewed through the Alaska Volcano Observatories tools, Here, you can view real time data, once you have chosen you area of interest.

The link below will illustrate this for real time AVHRR data across the Aleutians,



IAVCEI Meeting

On August 21st, the WOVO group had a meeting at the IAVCEI General Assembly in Iceland. On the Agenda was an updated on WOVOdat from Dr Chris Newhall and a discussion of where next to develop the WOVO group.

One issue raised was the internet connections between volcano observatories and those groups responsible for volcanic ash and ashfall advisories. Development of internet connections in those remote volcano observatories will assist in information transfer and assist in the release of warnings.



This is the World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO) Blog site. WOVO is a Commission of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior.

WOVO has a website,, This blog site is to allow scientists and others to provide information on recent events and news of interest to the volcano observatories.

Also the blog site can be used to ask questions and assistance on volcano observatory issues.


Peter Webley, AVO

SI / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report